My First Wedding Quiz

Posted By: Fast Track Quiz | Posted Date: Monday, November 14, 2022

My First Wedding Quiz


My First Wedding Quiz

The good, the bad and the funny!



After a night at one of my weekly quizzes, I was approached by a lovely couple who asked if I would be able to do a mini wedding theme quiz for their reception. Immediately, I became very excited about the idea and quickly got to preparing the outline of the night.

My original ideas were that we could have a general knowledge wedding round, a round for bride and groom trivia, a round of questions from the guests, and a music round. The happy couple agreed that this sounded good; their only request was the music round had to be music from the 80s! Fine by me.

That week, I sent out a questionnaire for the happy couple and enjoyed going through the answers and preparing the bride and groom knowledge round - that was especially good fun.

Next up, I genuinely enjoyed preparing the questionnaires to go out to the guests which led to my favourite bit, receiving the replies (some nice, some funny, some embarrassing) and seeing photos which would be included in the quiz.

With the quiz ready to go, all that was left was hosting the quiz for the wedding guests. But then came the unexpected bit… I got nervous!!


I have been hosting my quizzes for 7 years, however, driving to the wedding and hosting the quiz night for their special event was the first time I have been nervous in a long time. Turns out that I didn`t need to be, though!

When I arrived at the wedding, the bride and groom were lovely, and the guests were all very excited. After a quick chat with some of them, the friendly competition between tables for the wedding theme quiz had already started.


The first round set the tone for the hour and I quickly got to know all of the teams and the funny, competitive players I was working with.

The next round saw Melissa and Adam step away from their table to let their guests answer the next round of bride and groom trivia questions, which were all about them. This included some great pictures and many very interesting answers.

The music round was, as requested, 80s music, and the teams took great pleasure in taking points off of each other (someone even took points off the bride`s team - savage!) 


We had a quick round of `guess the guest` too, where guests had sent in disguised pictures of themselves and the teams had to guess who was who.

However, without a doubt, my favourite part of hosting the quiz was the questions from the guests. Melissa`s sister won the best question of the night when she jokingly informed us that Adam liked to wear a bandana at home and get Melissa to call him Prison Mike. It was later verified that this was not true!


As the wedding quiz finished, the disco was about to start, and the guests were all ready for a good dance. No doubt there would be some banter about the quiz too.

I had some great feedback from the night, and Melissa wrote a genuinely lovely review on my website. In short: I had an absolute ball. I might be biased, sure, but I think it’s a great ice-breaker and an excellent way to spend the time between the meal and the evening entertainment, when people are often not sure what to do.

Hosting a quiz night for this amazing, magical event was by far one of my favourite quizzes ever, and both the happy couple and their guests were amazing. I can’t wait to do more wedding quizzes again in the future, too!

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